I finished my itinerary finally. In the morning I was still running around buying supplies, still packing my bags, and still packing the bounce boxes. The day was maddening.
At the last minute I ended up repacking all my bounce boxes which cost me 8 hours of drive time, but well worth it. I was supposed to leave on Tuesday at 8 AM, but instead left Tuesday at 8PM. I did get three boxes out at the Omni Pack and Ship right before closing Monday night. Then ran home to pack the remaining two boxes which I ended up driving with me toward Atlanta.
Greg and Hayley stopped by, so did Jason, my boyfriend. Last minute love before the big trip. I had an interview scheduled for that afternoon with Wink News, but it got cancelled that morning, which was fine with me since I was still in the prep process.
Eventually, my friend Sammy came to my place and picked me up. I spent the night at his place, so in the morning he could drop me off at the car rental and I wouldn’t have my truck out floating around somewhere.