Matrix Essential 2nd Test

So, this is written way after the fact, because it had to be several weeks ago that I was hiking in Georgia, but it’s sort of phase two in the review process of a new vitamin I have been trying.

The product is by Matrix Essential. It is from their energy boosting line. There isn’t a name on the packaging beside the brand, but there is a description of the sample of product inside. It says, “Adaptogen Herbal Support for endurance and energy”.

Phase one, consisted of me already having had worked out. That night I had spent a significant amount of time climbing the stairs and ramps in my local garage, pretty much to the point of exhaustion.I took a break on a park bench. Relaxed for maybe 15 minutes, then took two out of the max of three recommended by this product line. I didn’t give it much time to work or metabolize. Maybe I waited five to ten minutes before I found myself back in the garage for round two. I will say I climbed the six floor of stairs another five times if I am remembering correctly, maybe not. Either way, I had the energy to do it. Now here’s the thing. It’s not uncommon for me to run hard, then get a second wind and run hard again. So, I was left wondering was that the product or just my general second wind kicking in? So, I knew I was going to have to try again.

Phase two, my second test in the big experiment, had me in my truck heading home from GA after a couple of days of little to no sleep and a day of hiking in the mountains from dawn to dusk. I was feeling pretty run down. And on top of all that noise, I had my period. Lovely. Needless to say my energy level was waning for the long drive home. I don’t know about you, but sometimes when I am that tired my eyeballs will stop cooperating and start to shake back and forth as I drive. It lets me know I am at the breaking point. I need sleep or else. As I crossed over the GA/FL boarder I realized I was going to need coffee, or Red Bull, or something. Instead I popped three of the Matrix Essential product, the max dosage. I gave myself a ten minute break, then got back on the road. I’m not sure when it hit me, but literally one hour later I realized I was fine. I was alert, my eyeballs had stopped shaking, and my head didn’t feel like it was going to drop in my lap at any second. I was wide awake. Thank God.

I’m going to credit getting through that drive at least partially to the Matrix Essential product. I think in this test it was pretty obvious that was no second wind, it was the product. I may not have used it in the athletic setting, but found it worked just fine for this situation as well. I’d personally much rather take an herbal supplement to keep me awake than something I might buy in the grocery store that may or may not be synthetic or engineered. Bravo Matrix Essential.

I have just a few more left of the samples I was given, but I intend to give it at least one more field test before writing out a testimonial. So far, so good.

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2016 - Appalachian Trail Springer Mountain, GA to Boiling Springs, PA 1,121 miles 2017 - Appalachian Trail Mount Katahdin, ME to Boiling Springs, PA 1,068 miles 2018

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