Day 27 (091217)

**Facebook Post 091216 at 9:01AM**

Currently I’m in North Woodstock, NH, at a hostel called The Notch. It’s really nice and the woman who runs the place is a total sweetheart. It was a recommended stop by the people at White Mountain Hostel in Gorham, NH. Not a bad one, but it was a bit off the beaten path. Once I got to the trail head, I had to walk another 5-7 miles to get to the hostel. Which means today I will be walking back to that same trail head before ever even stepping foot on trail. All good though, I had no choice anyway. I’m out of food and had to resupply. For my next resupply, I mailed a box up to Glenncliff, NH. Supposedly it will be hard for me to find an actual resupply location there, so I mailed my groceries ahead. Since it was basically maybe a two day supply at best, I will need to find more food quickly after. It amazes me as the days roll by how much food I actually need to sustain myself. Not that this is something new, but the Whites are pretty brutal and require a lot of energy to finish, therefore as much food as I can fit into my mouth. In fact, I literally could stop every hour and eat.

Aside from all the food talk, the trail in The Whites has been up and down, literally. The climbs can be insane, and the the descents just as bad, if not worse. The fact that I have not broken my neck or slipped off a cliff amazes me. There’s still time though. (LOL) If I had known there would be so much scrambling and rock climbing, I may have passed on the whole endeavor. Dude, its downright dangerous in some places, and if you are not the athletic type, I would say stay out of the woods. Although I have made it to North Woodstock, the other hikers say there are still plenty of The Whites left to climb. I had made the assumption, by looking at the map, I may be through the worst of it, but apparently there is at least one more mountain region I need to go through, Mt. Moosilauke. From what I can tell from the few pages I have in front of me out of the AT Guide, it looks like The Whites may end somewhere in the low 400 miles of my trip. I’m at around 375 now. Looking good. They tell me you know you’ve finished The Whites when you come across trail magic from The Omlette Man. He sits about 2 miles north of route 25 and serves omlettes to all the hikers. Only catch, I have to get there before 5pm, when he starts packing it up. Will do.

Other than that, I have met a couple idiots out here. One worked for Pinkham Notch. I asked where the trail head was once I was passing through their lodge area, and he basically misinformed me on purpose that camping was forbidden anywhere between their location and the next designated camping spot, which was 4 miles away. It was 9pm, when I went through there. I was obviously alone and it was dark, and obviously had been hiking already the majority of the day. As far as I’m concerned, his intention was to harm me. He was a total dick. He made sure to bring me to a location where not only could I see the trail head, but so that there was a large audience. Then he started talking about how people like me shouldn’t be allowed to hike because we poop all over the trails, etc., etc., etc.. It was so offensive, one of the women standing nearby started speaking up, but he kept going on and on. Creeper!!!!! Yes, he is a Pinkham Notch employee. Lovely. And I assume its not the first time he has given that speech. BTW, he can go fuck himself, I stealth camped anyway. AND it’s not illegal, you just can’t do it within a certain distance of the lodge, not 4 miles. Dick. the other asshole was just some guy on the trail, who looked like a day hiker. When I didn’t feel like turning on my phone, because it was low on juice, I simply asked him the direction I should be heading. He told me, but I made a comment that I had just come from that direction and he started going off on me about how he has no reason to lie to me, and how he hopes I have better direction on the rest of the trail or I might find myself hopelessly lost, etc., etc.. Why people want to be dicks in such pristine of environments I have zero understanding. Boggles the mind. Luckily I just nod my head, and go about my business. No need to correct the idiots of the world. No time.

So, I’m still trucking along. Other than that, people in general have been great. I’m loving putting in the hard miles, except when its too hot, or too cold, but I’m guessing that’s part of the game. Left my shorts at White Mountain Hostel; Notch gave me new ones. Got my period early. Wasn’t supposed to get it at all. Have a huge bruise on my right thigh. Tangled with a tree limb coming down a mountain. AND my camera on my phone seems to be working again, although with a few glitches, but that’s pretty amazing. Thank you two weeks in a bag of rice. I constantly don’t have enough food, but I don’t want to carry 30 pounds of food with me everywhere. I still haven’t gotten in a car, but that will change once it’s time to get off trail for my grandma’s funeral. And yeah… That’s it.

11:25AM Start Day 27 (091217)
•11:25AM (Estimate) Ethan Pond Campsite (Mile 348.3)
•6:30PM Trail west to summit of Zeacliff Ridge (Mile 356.2) sleep
• 4:45AM Wake up, pack
•5:45AM on trail
•11:25AM (Estimate) Garfield Pond
(Mile 363.6)
11:25AM End Of Day 27
APPROX 15.3 Miles

Day 26 (091117)

**Facebook Post 091117 at 11:59AM**

That’s it!!!! I’m starting a second naked hiking day. It’s a thousand degrees out here and I forgot my shorts at the last hostel. Noooooo!!!!! I hate hiking in soupy sweaty pants!

(We get two temperatures out here… Freeze Your Butt Off -OR- Naked Hiker)

11:25AM Start Day 26 (091117)
•11:25AM Lakes of The Clouds Hut
(Mile 334.4)
•5:00 PM Mizpah Spring Hut (Mile 339.0) sleep
•5:30AM Wake, pack
•6:30AM On trail (Mile 339.0)
•9:30AM (Estimate) Crawford Notch, US 302 (Mile 345.4)
•11:25AM (Estimate) Ethan Pond Campsite (Mile 348.3)
11:25AM End Of Day 26
APPROX 13.9 Miles

Day 25 (091017)

11:25AM Start Day 25 (091017)
•11:25AM (Estimate) Parapet Trail east, Daniel Webster west (Mile 326.1)
•2:45PM Madison Spring Hut (Mile 327.2)
•4:00PM Israel Ridge Path to Perch Shelter (.9 west) (Mile 328.6)
•5:00PM at shelter, make dinner, dry out tent, sleep
•5:00AM Wake, pack
•6:45AM Hike back up to trailhead, Israel Ridge Path & AT
(Mile 328.6)
•7:45AM At trailhead
(Add 1.8 miles for hike to shelter and back)
•10:30AM (Estimate) Mt. Washington
(Mile 332.9) lunch, charge electronics
•11:25AM Lakes of The Clouds Hut
(Mile 334.4)
11:25AM End Of Day 25
APPROX 8.3 Miles
(Add 1.8 hike to shelter and back to trail head)

Day 24 (090917)

**Facebook Post 090917 at 4:27PM**

To all my friends who decided to stay in South Florida and ride out the storm. Thinking about you today. Stay safe!!!

11:25AM Start Day 24 (090917)
•11:25AM Mt. Hight (Mile 311.4)
•2:00PM Carter Moriah Trail & Nineteen Mile Brook Trail / Carter Notch Hut (.1 East) (Mile 313.5)
•7:30PM (Estimate) Pinkham Notch, go into visitors center, lodge (Mile 319.4)
•8:30PM Nelson Craig Trail and Raymond Path to east (Mile 321.2) Camp, sleep
•7:00AM Wake up, pack up, water up
•8:15AM On trail (Mile 321.2)
•10:00AM (Estimate) Osgood Trail (Mile 324.1)
•11:25AM (Estimate) Parapet Trail east, Daniel Webster west (Mile 326.1)
11:25AM End Of Day 24
APPROX 14.7 Miles

Day 23 (090817)

**Facebook Post 090817 at 9:03AM**

Back on the trail. Hiking to my grandmother’s memorial in NY.

11:25AM Start Day 23 (090817)
•11:25AM Stream (Mile 302.5)
•12:29 Mt. Moriah (Mile 304.2)
•4:30PM Imp Campsite / Shelter (Mile 306.3) Sleep for the night, rain & cold (.2 to shelter)
•5:00AM Wake, pack
•6:15AM on trail (.2 back to AT trailhead)
•11:25AM Mt. Hight (Mile 311.4)
11:25AM End Of Day 23
APPROX 8.9 Miles

Day 22 (090717)

**Facebook Post 090717 at 4:22PM**

It’s a beautiful day in Gorham, NH. (Thank you Aaron Scheile for that spelling correction.) Last night I got the most needed sleep I’ve had since being on the trail. I feel awesome today. Thank you so much for all the love White Mountains, Rattle River Lodge & Hostel staff!!!!!

Just a recap, I turned around after reaching Rattle River Shelter and went back to the hostel last night, tail between my legs and slept off the nonsense. I am NO GOOD sleepy. This morning I got up, ate an enormous and delicious waffle breakfast, waited for a bit of my laundry, then packed it up.

Now, you’d think I’d be on trail right now, but I’m not, and that makes two zero days in a row, which means more than likely I’m screwed on time now. To tell you the truth though, I was sucking it up terribly anyway. I never got into the 30’s, let alone the 40’s I was going to have to average. Maine just busted me down like nobody’s business. It’s the first state I have ever hiked in which every other day I would say to myself, “I can’t do this anymore”. Between the cold and the scrambling, “My God Maine!” It makes me want to write a letter to New Hampshire thanking it for not being Maine. (Although, I’m not in the Whites yet. So, I may be speaking on this a little early.)

Reason I’m not on trail? Part of my issue yesterday was not having had gone into town and properly resupplying. I just took off all tired and ridiculous like, after raiding the White Mountain Hostel hiker box, I spazzed out, froze, cut myself, doused myself in a river and turned tail. Yeah, not necessarily in that order, but you get my drift.

Today I found I had holes in my jacket and shirt. Apparently, I had been slicing open my clothes for a bit with that knife that was sticking out of my bag last night, prior cutting my finger and taking a river bath. Ugh.

I digress, today I walked to Walmart from White Mountain Hostel. I think they told me it was 7 miles one way. Checking that… Yup. 6.8, but who’s counting? On my way back from Walmart I forwarded some of my resupply to Glencliff, at Hikers Welcome Hostel as per the suggestion of Erik at my current Hostel (Thanks Erik!)

Once I left the post office, I walked across the street and ordered a giant plate of spaghetti and meatballs. It was beyond my control, I have the hiker hunger. It’s a thing, look it up. It was also delicious, btw. So, now to head back to the hostel, finalizing this 14 mile day in which none of the miles count. Well, at least I will be well fed for the next couple stops.

Not sure if by the time I get into the hostel I will be leaving and hitting the trail. In fact, I already threatened to stay another night if my trek into town took more than half the day, which it did. All good. If I choose to stay one more night, I will wake up hella early tomorrow and hit it hard, harder than ever. See where it gets me.

It’s time to find out what all the hype is about. From what I hear the Whites are as brutal to hike as they are beautiful. Depends on who you talk with, but many hikers seem to show a great appreciation for the experience, but they say it’s low miles most of the way. Lots of climbing and scrambling, and cold, cold to the bone. I prepared though and bought a second layer jacket to wear. I would have bought a sleeping bag liner too, but Walmart didn’t have anything that would have helped much, so I passed.

Well, happy hiking everybody! I’m getting back on the road to finish out my miles back to the hostel. (Miles, again, which don’t count toward my hike, yay. Nice Sadego!) I do have to say once more though, that it was pretty nice to get out and walk into town today. I think I really am starting to appreciate walking on smooth asphalt. Good times.

Wish me luck that I don’t freeze too badly once back out there on trail, and good luck to all my folks who chose not to evacuate the storm back home in Florida. I will be thinking about you with every step.

Also… Side note. My sister just texted me and let me know that my Grandma Marge just died. She had a very full life, and lived a long, long time, had lots of family around her, and kept her spunk even into her old age. I hope I made her proud, whether or not I get any accolades or acknowledgements.

If you know me personally, you know that I had two goals coming out here. One was to potentially beat the FKT on the AT, which it doesn’t look like I’m going to be able to pull off again this year. Not happy about that. The second was if I didn’t get close, which that was a huge possibility because this is my first time doing the northern half of the trail, so I’m at a loss for experience and experiencing surprise after surprise this year. I wanted to at least beat my number from last year, which was approx. 1,120 miles in around the 54 days by 700 more miles. We will see.

It seems like God, the universe, Karma, whatever had other plans for me. With each day new roadblocks appear. My family will be holding services for my grandmother sometime around the 20th. I should be there if possible. Life wants something from me, maybe it’s not an FKT, maybe it’s something else. Either way, I’m experiencing so much, meeting so many amazing people who have touched my heart, seen things that remind me how fragile life is, and it’s only been a few weeks. I love hiking!

11:25AM Start Day 22 (090717)
•11:25AM Walking into Gorham
•7:00PM Walk back to White Mountains Hostel, sleep (7 miles from Walmart to Hostel)
•9:00AM (Estimating) Leave White Mountains Hostel (Call family and friends)
•9:45AM US 2, Get on trail (Mile 298.3)
•10:20AM Rattle River Shelter (Mile 300.2)
•11:25AM Stream (Mile 302.5)
11:25AM End Of Day 22
APPROX 4.2 Miles
(Add 7 miles for walking back from resupply in Gorham)

Day 21 (090617)

**Facebook Post 090617 at 4:39AM**

Um… I have been up all night. Should I stop the trek and come home to secure my stuff? It wouldn’t be just my stuff. If I come home, I’d be able to grab my old people and maybe get the clan to somewhere better suited to ride out the storm. Both my pad and my parents are coastal east and west south Florida. I’m all the way the hell up in New Hampshire, but I can still get on a plane ASAP, come home and get everybody and what’s important the hell out of Dodge. If I wait too long, I won’t have time to do anything. Thoughts????

I think my reluctance comes from the obvious that I don’t want to bail on my trek, but also I know how this works. Media tends to hype the storm up and then we run around crazy for days, then nothing happens. OR we get a Charley, Punta Gorda, or Andrew, Dade County end of the world scenario.

**Facebook Post 090617 at 5:02PM**

So not sleeping and anxiety about the storm does not do me very well while hiking. I should have slept instead of bugging out all night… Today I got lost in the rain, figured it out and got on track, but walked about an extra mile. I got to the first shelter and started to get too cold, too quick, started snacking on food I had gotten from the hiker box, when I got mad at myself for not going into town for proper resupply. (A hiker at the shelter had explained there wouldn’t be a lot of opportunity to resupply after Goram.) So, I decided I’d turn around and hike back into town anyway, even though it’s later in the day, and I’m super tired. Somehow my switchblade opened during my walk, put a hole in my bag, then I sliced my finger open on it, then slipped and fell in the river.

So, I said to myself, I really need to get the sleep I should have gotten last night, and I will feel better in the morning. So I went back to the hostel I stayed at last night and grabbed a bunk and now I’m in it… Ugh. Good night. I don’t even want dinner or anything.

11:25AM Start Day 21 (090617)
•11:25AM Rattle River Shelter, turned around
•4:00PM At White Mountain Lodge, sleep
•7:00AM Wake up, eat breakfast
•9:30AM Walk to Gorham (7 miles to Walmart)
•11:25AM Walking into Gorham
11:25AM End Of Day 21
APPROX 0 Miles
(Add 7 Miles for resupply in Gorham)

Day 20 (090517)

**Facebook Post 090517 at 10:41AM**

Supposed to be more rain today and lightening. A northbounder also said maybe some hail, but that was predicted north of my destination. Heading as fast as I can today south. Hoping to hit Gorum, NH, finally.

**Facebook Post 090517 at 10:59AM**

On the last of my food. Rationing again. Have one bag of half eaten jerky, one ramen noodle, and a quarter bag of trail mix… Aprox. 15 miles to go in the rain. Yeah…..

Great! Now I have no TP either.

**Facebook Post 090517 at 10:46PM**

Got into Goram OK. Staying at the White Mountains Hostel. Very cool situation over here. Friendly and interesting staff, awesome food, comfy bed, laundry, wifi and seriously the best shower of my life. Needed one badly. They even have coffee and breakfast in the morning. AND they agreed to hold my bag while I walk into town for resupply. Because, literally I had the bag of ramen noodle left.

11:25AM Start Day 20 (090517)
•11:25AM (Estimate) Gentian Pond Shelter and Campsite (Mile 286.5)
•1:32PM Page Pond (Mile 290.4)
•4:30PM Cascade Mountain (Mile 292.5)
•8:00PM White Mountain Lodge
(Mile 298.3)
•Worried about storm all night, did not sleep
•7:00AM breakfast, go through hiker box, pack
•10:30AM head back to trailhead (wrong trail head, turn around)
•11:25AM Rattle River Shelter (turned around because was having a moment)
11:25AM End Of Day 20
APPROX 11.8 Miles
(Add 1.4 miles from White Mountain Lodge to and from, wrong trailhead, lost)
(Add 3.8 miles from White Mountain Lodge to Rattle River Shelter and back, having a moment)

Day 19 (090417)

11:25AM Start Day 19

**Facebook Post 090417 at 1:44PM**

Went through Mahoosuc this morning. Thank God that’s over! Next stop, The Whites!!!!!

**Facebook Post 090417 at 7:41PM**

They airlifted a kid off the trail tonight. Broke his leg and some ribs, not sure what else. I heard the airplanes ahead of me, but by the time I got to the location, they already flew off with the kid. Other hikers and a medic were still on scene. Wasn’t even a hard part of the trail. Just missed a toe hold while climbing down the ridge. It’s been raining a lot and everything is muddy and slippery and the falls are pretty far down. Sad for the kid, but glad to hear they think he will be OK. Also, glad it wasn’t me. Today I hiked through Mahoosuc, dubbed by the AT Guide as “the most difficult or fun mile of the AT”. Yup. There were definitely times I wasn’t sure about where my foot could, should, or must go. It’s a good day. To spite the storms.

•11:25AM (Estimate) Somewhere in Mahoosuc (Mile 274.8)
•1:40PM Mahoosuc Notch south end
(Mile 275.3)
•7:00PM Carlo Col Shelter & Campsite (Mile 281.3) (.2 down to shelter from trailhead)
•6:00AM Wake up, pack, leave camp (Another rain storm coming, supposed to start 7AM and last throughout the day) (.2 back up to trailhead from shelter)
•7:15AM at trailhead
•11:25AM (Estimate) Gentian Pond Shelter and Campsite (Mile 286.5)
11:25AM End Of Day 19
APPROX 11.7 Miles
(Add .4 miles to and from shelter)

Day 18 (090317)

11:25AM Start Day 18

**Facrbook Post 090317 at 4:31PM**

Having super spotty service. Will update everything when in Goram, NH.

**Facebook Post 090317 at 5:26PM**

Stuck in the Mahoosuc Notch area (New Hampshire & Maine boarder) with super cold temperatures and lots of rain. Caretaker at last shelter said 90 mph winds tonight. Shelter was overflowing with hikers by 1pm when I hiked past. Not safe to hike on. Hunkered down wearing absolutely everything I have plus my rain poncho (plastic keeps you insulated). Hoping to make a move in the morning.

•11:25AM (Estimate) Eyebrow Trail West (Mile 268.4)
•1:00PM (Estimate) Speck Pond Shelter (Mile 271.8)
•3:30PM Mahoosuc Notch North End, Bull Branch campsite, make camp and hunker down through storm (Mile 274.2)
•7:30AM Wake up, pack, leave camp
•11:25AM (Estimate) Somewhere in Mahoosuc (Mile 274.8)
11:25AM End Of Day 18
APPROX 6.4 Miles